Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday 4/27 12:15PM

Here are some of the pictures that I took yesterday. 

So far today....Gracie and I took a walk this morning with the Osswald family.  Because of the strike it is really easy to get around in strollers.  The Osswalds were kind enough to show me some of thier favorite places to eat in the neighborhood.  They are hoping to head home on Saturday so I only have a few days to learn the lay of the land. 


  1. Oh, she's so darling! But being that she's so shy, we in the FFF row have been practicing "toning it down" so that we don't freak her out when we meet her ;) I hope all goes well with adoption day.

  2. How is your new place working out?
    We need details on how the adoption went!! I hope it all went smoothly for you.
