Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday, April 25th 4:30

Today has been very uneventful.  Gracie was not feeling too well so we stayed in the hotel.  This afternoon we started watching the Lion King and she quickly fell asleep, right now she is taking a nap and snoring.  It is also raining outside so it was the perfect day to stay inside. 

I managed to capture a few pictures of her today and thought I would share.

Tomorrow we are planning on moving to a new place. if you are interested in looking it up.  It is a little B&B that another family is at.  We are very excited about the move.

1 comment:

  1. Love the dancing video! And you guys seem to be getting along beautifully. Here are my questions: 1. How is the language barrier going? Does she understand you? Or is it a lot of pointing and nodding still? 2. What size clothes is she wearing? Looks like the stuff you brought along is fitting?
