Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday 4/22/11 10PM

Sorry about the delay in posting.  The hotel I am staying at does not have free internet service so I am trying to only pay for it everyother 24 hours.  Not to mention it has been a bit busy.  As soon as I am done with this post I am going to try and figure out how to load some pictures.

So yesterday was a very eventful day. 

I made it to the orphanage around 11:30.  Alisha Grace was very shy at first.  The orphanage people had told her that her mommy was coming and she was very excited about it.  I went in with my country specialist Uma for the first hour and then Uma prepared to leave.  That is when the real drama began.  For some reason Alisha thought Uma was her mom and was very distraught at her leaving her.  This of course did not sit real well with me either.  So after some time Alisha calmed down and I stayed and played with all of the kids to help her get used to me. 

Alisha finally started to warm up to me and I then began to play with her just by myself.  This was a huge improvement. Alisha was bound and determined to leave the orphanage that day with her mommy, they actually let me take her with me the first day.  Can you believe it?  Completely unexpected!!  I really wasn't prepared for that but was certainly up for it.  The night was a little rough for about an hour and then she fell into an exhasted sleep.  When she woke up there was another bad hour but since then we have gotten along terrific!!  She is so happy!!

So our first night together was a treat.  We slept in the same bed and for the most part it worked out just fine.  However, Alisha Grace is potty trained during the day.....but apparently not at night.:(  I was not prepared for this.  Midnight came and I suddenly felt this really warm sensation on my back....yes you guessed it. She wet the bed.  So I had my first taste of getting up, stripping the bed, hoping the mattress did not get wet.  We were OK.  Luckily there is another twin be in my room, so we moved to the other bed.  5 am came and the scenario repeated I stripped the second bed.  When we went to breakfast I put a tip on each bed, the sheets on the floor and hoped for the best.  Came back to a clean you think it will work that way at home?  Tonight, we have diapers that were purchased from a local store.  I hope they work!!

Today we met a terrific couple from Canada at breakfast with a 3.5 year old little girl named Sasha.  We swam with them for a bit - if you could call it that, and then went to se to see the Temple Monkeys.  OK so those of you that know me well....I don't do very well in high altitudes, it is really hot, and there was about 100 stairs.  To top it off, Alisha Grace would not let anyone but me carry her.  Made for a long climb but we had fun anyway seeing all of the monkeys and all of the local customs.

This evening all of the US families that are currently in Nepal got together at dinner.  There were about 9 of us there.  Amazing how different all of the kids are and how adorable they are.  Each child fit their family perfectly.  We had a ton of fun but are very tired.  Off to bed now....I am trying to load pictures so please bear with me.

Elizabeth and Gracie


  1. Oh, I'm just so filled with joy for you!!! How wonderful that you've begun to bond. Hope your knees are doing okay with all of those stairs! We miss you!

  2. E-CANNOT wait to see more pictures!!
    I am so over-joyed for you.
    Hope everything continues to go smoothly and it sounds like she has already started her bonding/attachment process to you-it is SO important!!
    Can't wait to se you when you get home-Keep you and your new daughter SAFE.
    Love, Rach
