Thursday, April 28, 2011

Friday, April 29th 5:30am

It is a rainy morning here today in Kathmandu.  We are at the tale end of thunderstorms that have been going on half of the night.  Not really conducive to great sleep, but the rain keeps the dust down and the air pollution tolerable.  I have been very lucky that it has rained every few days since I have been here; the air quality has not been unbearable. 

I need to fill in some of the missing time and details since my last post.  I forgot to mention that on Tuesday when I moved and my room wasn't ready we spent some time in the "Gathering" room.  This room has two dining room tables, buffets that are used to set the dishes and food out on when it is meal time, as well as a couch.  I was sitting on the floor playing with Gracie and Nate and resting against one of the buffets.  I must have been getting really comfortable because suddenly we all heard this noise, looking around, I realize I have broken the glass door on the buffet.  I can hardly believe it. I hadn't even been there two hours!!  The owners told me they had wanted to take the doors out but hadn't been able to figure out how to get them out of there, but I think they were just being nice.  Later that night when I was in my room I could hear them breaking the glass on the broken door because they still couldn't get it out.  I have offered to pay for a new door but so far they have turned me down.  Just wait till you hear what I did next!

So to fast forward to after our walk with the Osswalds on Wednesday, the day of the strike.  We get back and Gracie has a small melt down.  One of many I am sure.  She is not very fond of people coming up to her and touching her.  One of the Didi's here did that but she was out of my site.  So she started crying and I didn't know it.  Well once she got going she wasn't going to stop.  I decided to go lie down with her on the bed and let her cry it out and she promptly fell asleep.  I am thinking this is a really good thing.  Well I let her sleep on top of the comforter and she slept for two and half hours.  Well we all know what happens next don't we....she peed all over the comforter.  I would think that I would learn.  I am surprised they aren't kicking me out.  This is all after just two days!

So Thursday morning comes and it is adoption day.  Yeah!!!  I wasn't sure what time I was being picked up so I tried to call Uma however the phones were not working.  Sometimes that happens here so I wasn't too concerned.  Uma finally got a hold of me around 9:30.   I think she is going to tell me that we should get ready to go but no, she tells me she is ill and has gone to the hospital.  This is not good, for her or me.  She tells me Diamond will be here around 10:30 and that the two of us should just wait for her next phone call.  Well after 10 story books, what seems like a 100 games of Purble Place,senseless made-up games, and 3 hours Uma calls back.  She tells me she has been admitted into the hospital and that the adoption will need to be delayed another day.  She will have her assistant take me on Friday.  I try to hold it together but I can tell you I seriously was struggling.  Between being concerned for Uma's health but really to need to have the adoption final, I was struggling!  So I said OK just let me know what I needed to do.  Uma said she would call me in the morning.  So Diamond left to go home and Gracie and I went into our room.  I just needed some space....

In my room trying to decide what to do next and suddenly there was a knock on my door.  I open it and it is Diamond.  Apparently Uma had called him back to say we had to finish the adoption today.  We were on our way.  Uma's assistant took care of everything for us.  Diamond drove us to the Ministry of Women and Children Services building and we found our way to the right office.  The office was really nothing special and I couldn't understand a thing people said. The power was out so we needed to wait for it to come back on.  Once it did, I signed the documents that made Alisha Grace permanently ours!! Bill and I are very excited about finalizing the adoption.  The twins are very excited about their sister!! Having the official document makes me fill a lot safer here in Kathmandu.  I think we can go out by ourselves now and I won't worry so much.

To celebrate we went out to dinner with the Osswalds.  They were also celebrating as they just received their visa to go home.  They will be leaving us on Saturday.  We will be very sad because Gracie and I have a lot of fun with them.

Today brings a very busy day for us.  Need to start getting ready.  Gracie has been up for awhile now and she is going crazy in the room.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday 4/27 12:15PM

Here are some of the pictures that I took yesterday. 

So far today....Gracie and I took a walk this morning with the Osswald family.  Because of the strike it is really easy to get around in strollers.  The Osswalds were kind enough to show me some of thier favorite places to eat in the neighborhood.  They are hoping to head home on Saturday so I only have a few days to learn the lay of the land. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday April 26th, 9PM

Today was moving day.  We checked out of the hotel around noon and then arrived at the B&B around 1.  I took several pictures of Gracie with the hotel staff.  They were so sweet to her.  I think the Matradee at the buffet restaurant was a little sweet on her.  He always made sure that he came and talked to her when we showed up and brought her warm milk to her himself.  He helped us on our first night there when we went to supper.  He made sure he talked to her to find out what she wanted to eat that night. You will see him in the picture if I get it posted tomorrow.

The B&B wasn't really ready for us but that really wasn't a problem.  We went out to lunch with our driver Diamond and then came back and chatted with some of the other families here.  Remember, Gracie is a little scared of Diamond so she wouldn't eat while we were at lunch.  The minute he left she ate 3 pieces of the pizza I bought her.  Silly girl!!

The Osswald Family that recommended the place to me arrived back around 3 or so and we just sat around chatting.  Carrie and I went to supper with the kids, that was a ton of fun. They adopted a little boy name Nate that is just precious.  Gracie is so funny when she meets new people because she is so shy....she eventually started to warm up.  I anticipate by the end of the week she will be just fine. 

The people that own the place have three young kids, she was at least watching them on her own without me needing to be there by the end of the evening.  I will have pictures eventually of her with them that I will post. 

Thank you to everyone that has posted comments on the blog and on facebook.  I really appreciate it and it keeps me going.  Several people have asked me what size she is in...she is a size 3T. I brought both 3T&4T clothes...the 4T are huge on her...I have tried but can't make them work.  We are just goin to have to do more laundry.  The other question I have gotten several times is when are we going to be back.  I am hoping if all goes well we will be back in Minneapolis on the 21st of May.  Seems like a lifetime from here.

Tomorrow was suppose to be adoption day however there is a one day strike that is suppose to happen.  This moved adoption day to the 28th. Flexibility is the key to not getting too stressed.  Very easy to do in this process. 

Well it is getting late, Gracie is sound asleep already.  That is one thing that she does really well is sleep.  I love  her so.....

Take care everyone,
Elizabeth and Gracie

Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday, April 25th 4:30

Today has been very uneventful.  Gracie was not feeling too well so we stayed in the hotel.  This afternoon we started watching the Lion King and she quickly fell asleep, right now she is taking a nap and snoring.  It is also raining outside so it was the perfect day to stay inside. 

I managed to capture a few pictures of her today and thought I would share.

Tomorrow we are planning on moving to a new place. if you are interested in looking it up.  It is a little B&B that another family is at.  We are very excited about the move.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday, April 24th 2PM

Happy Easter Everyone,

I sure miss going to all of the Easter Celebrations back home.  I hope you are all enjoying your day.

Saturday was a nice day for me and Gracie.  We got up and had our usual breakfast in the hotel.  She sure has an appetite.  She loves food and the staff in the cafe love her.  Diamond our driver was off on Saturday as it is the Holy Day so we were on our own.  We met up with our friends Sasha, Robyn and Rodger (the Canadians) mid-morning and walked to Kathmandu Durbar Square.  There are many little shops along the way.  I have decided that I need to find a carrier to carry Gracie on my back.  She is very light but when you are walking long distances she gets heavy quickly.  The streets are not conducive to a stroller.  Robyn and Roger were kind enough to let me use their child carrier for a while which was greatly appreciated. 

Once we got back to the hotel Gracie and I went to swim for a bit and then took a nap.  I completely enjoyed the nap myself.  I also learned that Gracie really, really, does not like to be woken up.  She had slept for about 2 hours and I decided it was time to get up.  She cried and cried.....I will certainly need to work on my technique for waking her up.  We went out for a walk and then met up with our friends and went out to dinner with them at one of the restaurant at the hotel.  We had a very nice time. 

This morning we got up, ate breakfast, and then Diamond came to pick us up.  He took Gracie and me back to his house so we could meet his family.  We were able to meet his Mom, Dad, wife, son and niece.  I think Gracie might have ate a little too much breakfast because after we got there and enjoyed a Fanta Gracie promptly threw up all over.  I was so embarrassed.  Of course I did not have any of my thousand wipes with they were all back in the hotel room.  They took it all in stride but I felt really bad.  Diamond tried to make Gracie happy by showing her his puppy....she started screaming...that is going to be a problem when we get home since there are 3 dogs there.  One day at a time! Once we left Diamond took us for a little canoe ride in a little pond.  He was very excited to show us this nice little lake by his house.  By this time Gracie was feeling much better.

On our way back to the hotel Diamond stopped by a Bed & Breakfast place that I am planning on moving to.  This place is much less expensive and another family from Milwaukee is currently staying there.  I am waiting to hear back later today if it is available for as long as I need. 

Gracie seems to be happiest just sitting on the hotel bed with just the two of us.  She is very shy and really takes a long time to warm up to people.   

Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday 4/22/11 10PM

Sorry about the delay in posting.  The hotel I am staying at does not have free internet service so I am trying to only pay for it everyother 24 hours.  Not to mention it has been a bit busy.  As soon as I am done with this post I am going to try and figure out how to load some pictures.

So yesterday was a very eventful day. 

I made it to the orphanage around 11:30.  Alisha Grace was very shy at first.  The orphanage people had told her that her mommy was coming and she was very excited about it.  I went in with my country specialist Uma for the first hour and then Uma prepared to leave.  That is when the real drama began.  For some reason Alisha thought Uma was her mom and was very distraught at her leaving her.  This of course did not sit real well with me either.  So after some time Alisha calmed down and I stayed and played with all of the kids to help her get used to me. 

Alisha finally started to warm up to me and I then began to play with her just by myself.  This was a huge improvement. Alisha was bound and determined to leave the orphanage that day with her mommy, they actually let me take her with me the first day.  Can you believe it?  Completely unexpected!!  I really wasn't prepared for that but was certainly up for it.  The night was a little rough for about an hour and then she fell into an exhasted sleep.  When she woke up there was another bad hour but since then we have gotten along terrific!!  She is so happy!!

So our first night together was a treat.  We slept in the same bed and for the most part it worked out just fine.  However, Alisha Grace is potty trained during the day.....but apparently not at night.:(  I was not prepared for this.  Midnight came and I suddenly felt this really warm sensation on my back....yes you guessed it. She wet the bed.  So I had my first taste of getting up, stripping the bed, hoping the mattress did not get wet.  We were OK.  Luckily there is another twin be in my room, so we moved to the other bed.  5 am came and the scenario repeated I stripped the second bed.  When we went to breakfast I put a tip on each bed, the sheets on the floor and hoped for the best.  Came back to a clean you think it will work that way at home?  Tonight, we have diapers that were purchased from a local store.  I hope they work!!

Today we met a terrific couple from Canada at breakfast with a 3.5 year old little girl named Sasha.  We swam with them for a bit - if you could call it that, and then went to se to see the Temple Monkeys.  OK so those of you that know me well....I don't do very well in high altitudes, it is really hot, and there was about 100 stairs.  To top it off, Alisha Grace would not let anyone but me carry her.  Made for a long climb but we had fun anyway seeing all of the monkeys and all of the local customs.

This evening all of the US families that are currently in Nepal got together at dinner.  There were about 9 of us there.  Amazing how different all of the kids are and how adorable they are.  Each child fit their family perfectly.  We had a ton of fun but are very tired.  Off to bed now....I am trying to load pictures so please bear with me.

Elizabeth and Gracie

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thursday Morning 4/21

I arrived in Kathmandu last night and got a great nights sleep. Today I get to meet Alisha Grace.

My flight from Chicago to Abu Dhabi was uneventful, however very long - 14 hours. I was able to sleep a little off and on. I flew Etihad Airlines, before this trip had never heard of them. The plane was OK, at least I had an aisle seat and only had one person on the inside, so I wasn't getting up and down all of the time.

Etihad Airlines has a lower weight requirement for your carry on bag than American Airlines - which is what I flew into Chicago. When I was checking in at the Chicago International terminal Etihad made me take items out of the roller bag so it was under the carry on weight…..of course I was all in arms about what was I suppose to do with the stuff that was in my bag. Since I had checked my bags in Minneapolis it wasn't like I could put any of my stuff in there. The very nice clerk then clued me in that I should just remove my stuff now, weigh the bag, and then when I was out of sight just put my stuff back in. Really??? What is the purpose of weighing it then? So I took my stuff out, weighed my bag and then just filled it back up. I had a backpack with me too....they did not weigh it at all. One of those things that make you go hmmmmm.

When I got to Abu Dhabi the airport was under a ton of construction. There were airport construction direction signs in place of permanent signs. I started following the signs but several times I wanted to turn around because I thought I was going the wrong way. Everything seemed very empty. If it hadn't been for the other passengers I probably would have turned around.  Maybe it was because of the construction but everything seemed to be very sprawly at the airport. I bet it is going to look fantastic when the construction is all done.   

The Abu Dhabi airport has a hotel on site. Luckily I was able to get a room there. This way I didn't have to leave the airport to get a room, or worse yet, sleep in one of those airport lounge chairs. My flight layover was for 14 hours so this was very nice. At this hotel you can't make reservations so there are no guarantees you will get in. I hope on the return visit we are just as lucky. Not as long of a layover but with Alisha Grace with me it would be nice not to have to worry about her. If I had not gotten in I would have just stayed at the airport, I am a little gutless on my own.

The next morning I was able to get up, take a shower and get ready for my flight. Of course I was up way too early but it was nice to shower. My flight to Kathmandu left at 10:00 am, I arrived in Kathmandu a little after 4. It is very beautiful here with the mountains.

I was picked up at the airport by Diamond. A very nice gentleman who works with Uma. Uma works for the adoption agency that I am working with to adopt Gracie. Diamond made sure I made it to my room safe and sound. He is 26 married and has a little boy. When Alisha Grace is with me all of the time he wants to have me to his house. This will be great!!

So now that I am settled in my room, and have figured out how to charge my laptop battery, I feel as if I have made some progress. Figuring out which converter would work to recharge my laptop battery took me a long time. But this morning...success!!!

My plan this morning is to actually go eat breakfast in the hotel. Last night I had Apple Cinnamon Cheerios that I brought for Gracie.....I can't eat all of her food I am going to have to be adventurous:)

I am very excited and very nervous about today. I hope all goes well with Alisha Grace and that she at least likes me a little. My understanding is that she is very shy so I am going to have to tone it down for her. Hopefully I will get some great pictures and can share them all with you.

Take Care,

Monday, April 18, 2011

On my Way

Hello Everyone!!

Thank you so much for all of the well wishes.  Please know that I got them all and they mean a great deal to me.

Today I arrived at the airport very early for my 3:40 flight.  So early, that the airline was able to get me on an earlier flight to Chicago.  This was great since apparently my original flight was already 1/2 hour late.  Now I am sitting in Chicago waiting for boarding time...not until 7:30, flight takes off at 8:30.  I am flying from  Chicago to Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) - this flight takes almost 14 hours.  I then have a 14 hour layover in Abu Dhabi prior to arriving in Kathmandu.  I arrive in Kathmandu on Wed. April 20th at 4:15.

Time difference between Minneapolis, Minnesota USA and Kathmandu, Nepal :

+10:45 hrs

Kathmandu is 10:45 hours ahead of Minneapolis
That means when it is 6:00 am (morning) in Minneapolis, it is 4:45 pm in Kathmandu.

I am looking forward to arriving in Kathmandu.  I will meet my daughter for the first time on Thursday morning.  A representative from my adoption agency will accompany me to her orphanage the first day for sure.  After that we will play it by ear.

More to come as I arrive in Abu Dhabi. 

Thanks again to all of you for your support and prayers through the years.  This has been a very long process, but so worth it!!

Love you all,

Friday, April 15, 2011

Thank You Katie

Katie, Thank you so much for setting up this blog for me.  I could never have done it without you!!


The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveller, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sight

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads divergedin a wood, and I--

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference

--Robert Frost