Sunday, May 8, 2011

Saturday, May 7th 9:30 PM

Thursday was a pretty good day all and all.  Gracie had some more nightmares but I think we made up for the sleep I missed by sleeping in until after 7.  We are normally up way before 6 so this was great. 

We only had 2 temper tantrums today so this was a definite improvement.  She decided she doesn't want to wear diapers when she is sleeping, this started at nap time and again at bed time.  As you all know this is a must based off of our previous posts.  (I don't know how many comforters a kid can pee on before you get kicked out but I have to assume there is a limit:)  I won the battle and she ended up in the diaper.  Since it hasn't happened again I would say I won the war too.

We also went back to the doctor on Thursday to get the results of the TB test she took on Tues.  Results were negative!!  Yeah!!!  One more hurdle passed.  Next on our list is to pick up the Travel Documents on Sunday and then change flights.  I am starting to see the end of our journey here.

Thursday we also decided to go swimming.  You can pay to swim at some of the hotels that are close.  It was a very hot and humid day and I thought it would be good to amuse ourselves.  Gracie has only been swimming twice before but she seems to love it.  Of course she doesn't really swim, she just goes to the edge, holds my hand and then jumps in.  Her head never goes under water but she is sure brave jumping off of the side.  She even jumped a few times on her own without holding my hands.  She has a wonderful laugh and really had a lot of fun. 

Thursday evening Gracie and I went to the local restaurant.  They know us now and Gracie has started to warm up to all of the waiters.  It is close and convenient which is why I like it.  The food is also very good.  I have not been very adventurous when it comes to the food here.  I stay with things that I understand exactly what I am eating.  Some of the parents have gotten really sick so I am trying to be carefully.

Whenever we are just hanging at the B&B we are normally messing around with the kids.  Gracie really enjoys playing and running with them all.  One of her favorite things is to play on the blue reindeer as you can see.

Friday we had a very busy day.  We got up and ate breakfast as usual and then decided to do some shopping.  We walked to some shops a bit down the road and picked up a few gifts we are planning on bringing back.  Gracie and I make quite the pair walking down the road.  The B&B I am at has a bright red stroller that they let me use.  (Thank goodness, I would be lost without it.)  There aren't any sidewalks for most of the streets, so you just walk on the side of the road.  I have gotten very good at not getting freaked out by all of the honking that is going on as we walk, they use honking as a form of communication here.  We also tend to get a lot of people that stare at the two of us but that no longer bothers me.  All kinds of people walk here so I just try to do what the local people are doing and most of the time I am OK. Some of the streets that we cross are very busy and with no street lights or stop signs it is really cross at your own risk.

Friday Evening we went back to the Garden of Dreams and attempted to meet up with some of the US Families.  Only one of the families actually showed up.  I am assuming that the severe thunderstorms had something to do with the lack of attendance.  It really has been raining here quite a bit.  We had fun anyway and that is what counts.  It was a great time with the family we met.  They have a son from China who is 6 and their new daughter is 4.  Gracie did not eat a ton that evening...Not sure if it was because she loved the milk shake and drank most of it quickly or if her tummy is bothering her.  We got home a little late so by the time I got Gracie to bed she went right to sleep, diaper and all.  Putting on the diaper has gotten a little easier.


  1. Those dimples of hers....WOW!!! Can't wait to love on her. Happy Mother's Day!!! Do know that Gracie is the most lucky mother in the world to have found you. Enjoy your last week. We'll be praying the days go quickly, no glitches are found and you will be home safe with us soon!

    Love, Kim, Dan and kids

  2. Happy, happy - a million times happy - Mother's Day to both of you! Lexie and Ailie can't wait to meet their newest cousin, especially after skyping with her! Enjoy the rest of your stay and safe travels home! See you then! Much love, Fiona, Joe, Lexie and Ailie

  3. Happy Mothers Day!! You have received the best present that any Mom can get! With many wonderful years of Motherhood ahead of you! Enjoy today! Love, Theresa, Bob Kelly Kameron and Derek

  4. Happy 1st Mother's Day! I love reading your stories about Gracie and seeing the pictures you post. I am so happy for both of you and pray for a safe and speedy journey home.

  5. So happy to think of you on Mother's Day with a little girl of your very own. Really enjoy the pictures, the commentary, and Gracie riding the blue reindeer.

